Unconventional Housekeeping Tips You Would Never Have Thought to Think Of!

If Good Housekeeping, Sunset, Real Simple, Better Homes and Gardens, Martha Stewart Living, Country Living, Southern Living, Swamp Living, Moon Living, half of Instagram, and all of Pinterest are any indication, then a spotless, impeccably decorated home is the key to happiness in this world, and will almost certainly bring peace in the afterlife as well.

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Put That Back: On Saving Money for Travel

Now that I have decided to make long-term travel a part of my life, my brain has been working overtime to convince me that this is just another passing whim, one that I cannot possibly hope to achieve; much like the time I decided to start sewing all my own clothing, or when I vowed to eat only salad for lunch everyday from then until the day I died (presumably from boredom after sitting down to my 500th consecutive lunch salad).

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